

Transforming Hate Workshop

By Kiernyn On the evening of Feb. 24th, 2020, the headquarters of 350 Tacoma played host to a valuable and intersectional reading. The eight presenters came from a variety of backgrounds, spanning gender, race, income, geography, and ability. But two…

2019 Year End Report

As you may have noticed, 350 Tacoma had an action packed year. We continued to fight against fossil fuel expansion, got a fabulous new office, were able to support the Sunrise Movement and work with our indigenous allies in meaningful…

Which Side Are You On, PSCAA?

by Tracy Wiegman Today I rode the bus to Seattle with Claudia Riedener and we went to the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency board meeting where we joined a beautiful coalition of people from Power Past Fracked Gas, Physicians for…