Category Uncategorized

Making a Difference

by Kathi WhiteFebruary 17, 2019 Seems that lately, we have been flooded with too much negative information! The nightly news is full of catastrophes, insanely severe weather, shootings, politics and political scandals. I honestly cannot watch the news sometimes. Many…

First Renewable Energy Gathering

by Rachael DeSouza On July 6th, members of 350 Tacoma hosted a first Renewable Energy gathering. Thank you to everyone who participated in the thoughtful, focused, and fun conversation. And thanks to the team of hosts for the delicious food…

Have a Heart: #DIVEST

Big banks are breaking my heart. Why is that, you ask? Because not only do they continue to fund climate destructive fossil fuel projects, they also support private prisons and carry out fraudulent, predatory and discriminatory practices. And what better…

Circle of Solidarity

by Carol Kindt On Wednesday, January 31, 2018, the day dawned following a Super Blue Blood Moon.  Women from every walk of life, accompanied by children and male supporters, gathered around noon for a circle of prayer led by elder…

Green Jobs for Tacoma

Thank you to the American labor movement and the social and economic achievements of workers! Here at 350 Tacoma, we know that jobs and a cleaner environment are not mutually exclusive. Jobs in clean energy – like solar and wind…